Last updated on November 24th, 2016
Here’s a quick application guide to get you started with the coverage you need. TuGo is a Canadian Insurance company and that offers great benefits to both Canadians and visitors.
You can apply for TuGo Insurance directly here.
1) To start the application process click the Buy Insurance button.
2) You will be redirected to a secure TuGo website. Choose the Visiting Canada Option to continue.
3) Select the coverage start date and the end date. Choose the coverage type whether it’s a single applicant, a family or a couple travelling together.
4) You can customize your plan by adding coverage for pre-existing conditions such as diabetes or high blood pressure. Once it’s done you can simply click Add to Card to fill out the application form and complete the purchase.
5) Enter the contact information including your Canadian Address, phone number and email. Indicate the first name and last name of the person to be insured. Enter your credit card information such as the card’s number, expiry date, and the name on the card.
Click Complete Purchase to process your payment. If successful you will receive your policy confirmation along with your wallet card shortly in your email.
Review the documents to make sure all the information is accurate. When in doubt – contact your broker as soon as possible.