Health Insurance for Foreign Workers & Temporary Residents in Canada
you can easily find a suitable plan at an affordable rate to cover potential accidents and sickness treatment!
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As a Canadian Work Permit Holder, your provincial health benefit plan may take about 2-3 months to start once you are eligible for it.
In the meantime, you can opt for a private health insurance for Temporary Residents in Canada and Foreign Workers in order to avoid paying out of your own pocket for the medical emergency treatment of accidental injuries and unforeseen sicknesses you may require.
Such coverage is provided while insured person resides in Canada or is travelling to other countries across the world (except for their country of origin/citizenship), provided that his or her stay within Canada is longer than the duration of a side-trip.
If you are relocating to Saskatchewan from overseas, then the waiting period will NOT apply as long as you begin your residency in the province BEFORE the 1st day of the 3rd month following your arrival in Canada.
In Ontario, while the waiting period no longer applies, each Work Permit holder will need to have full-time employment in order to qualify for OHIP.
That is why, it is strongly recommended that you consider applying for a private Temporary Foreign Workers health insurance plan, while awaiting your government insurance card.
Cost and Apply?
Deductible is the amount of money that you pay out-of-pocket before the insurance company covers the rest, when you make a claim.
You will be re-directed to a web-page, where you can review coverage details, eligibility requirements as well as other policy highlights for the Foreign Workers insurance policy of your choice.
Once you have finished learning about the offered medical insurance for foreign workers in Canada, you can click on the “Buy Insurance” or “Buy Online” button to begin your on-line application.
Make sure you take a moment to review your application in order to be certain that you put all your information in correctly for your Foreign Workers insurance policy. Once you apply you will receive your insurance policy via email.
– Medical Care for Emergencies
– Follow up Visits
– Repatriation / Emergency Home Return
– Ambulance Services
– Emergency Dental Repair
– Accidental Dental
– Various Laboratory Diagnostics/ X-Ray
– Prescription Drugs
– Services of a Medical Specialist i.e. chiropractor, osteopath, etc.
– Hospitalization
– Rental or Purchase of Medical Appliances
For a detailed coverage description please read the Policy Wording of the insurance plan you select.
Yet, if you are planning to establish your residence in Yukon, Nunavut, Quebec or British Columbia, your government insurance coverage will only begin 2 to 3 months following the date you become eligible due to a waiting period (exceptions may apply in Saskatchewan), while in Ontario you would just need to have a full-time job with an Ontario employer for at least 6 months.
While your provincial coverage is not active, you may enroll for a private medical insurance coverage to avoid having to pay out of pocket for unforeseen health care costs if you happen to have a medical emergency.
Quebec and Yukon, on the other hand, have slightly different waiting period rule that allows you to register as soon as you arrive in these provinces. The waiting period itself will be 3 months as long as you make Quebec or Yukon your primary residence in Canada during your employment.
Furthermore, British Columbia calculates the duration of an applicable waiting period based on the remainder of the month when you arrive and establish your residence in BC plus 2 full months.
In Nunavut, your coverage may begin on the 1st day of the 3rd month after your arrival.
As mentioned earlier, in Saskatchewan, you will be eligible to receive provincial insurance coverage on the first day following your arrival in the province in case you’ve relocated to SK from overseas directly or within the first 2 month after entering Canada.
The Ministry of Health affairs in BC, Yukon, Nunavut, BC, QC and SK will be responsible for determining the date your residency is established through a number of factors.
In addition to providing necessary documents as a part of your application, you must also physically reside in a province that grants you government health care benefits for a certain number of days within a calendar year in order to remain eligible for such insurance.
Learn More About Provincial Insurance coverage across Canada by using the links below:
- British Columbia
- Alberta
- Saskatchewan
- Manitoba
- Ontario
- Quebec
- New Brunswick
- Nova Scotia
- Prince Edward Island
- Newfoundland and Labrador
- Yukon
- Northwest Territories
- Nunavut
Visit the officialHealth Care System website for more information on medical insurance coverage in each province and territory.
When you have a private insurance you can use it to cover possible medical emergency expenses while your provincial insurance is not active for the first 2-3 months of arrival.
In case there is a medical emergency situation while you are not covered under any government insurance plan in Canada, more specifically, in SK, BC, ON, YT and QC, you will be able to use your private Foreign Workers insurance to take care of treatment costs.
The waiting period ranges from 2 to 15 days depending on the insurance policy you select, if you purchase it after you arrive in Canada.
Yet, such insurance covers medical emergency treatment costs if you suddenly fall sick or accidentally get injured including physician’s services, hospitalization, emergency dental repair, prescription drugs, laboratory tests and much more!
Please note that you must not have made any claims in order to be eligible for a pro-rated refund for the unused portion of your coverage period.
If you couldn’t find what you were looking for, please take a look at our General FAQ for more information, or talk to our advisors and we will be happy to assist you!