Pregnancy Coverage
for Visitors to Canada

Explore supplementary maternity coverage for visitors and temporary residents of Canada!
Are You Currently Pregnant?
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Frequently Asked Questions
Not sure what to do? Here is a list of our FAQ’s; click the question to unveil the answer
What does private health insurance cover for pregnancy?
Depending on your eligibility for a certain pregnancy health care insurance product, you may receive different benefits.

You can select whether or not you are currently pregnant on this page to learn more about the available maternity insurance options.

Is pregnancy a pre-existing condition for health insurance?
According to the Policy Wordings from the Canadian insurance providers of pregnancy-related emergency coverage, it is not considered a pre-existing condition.

However, if you have had a complication related to your pregnancy, then such complication is considered a pre-existing medical condition, to which standard stability period requirements will apply depending on the policy you select.

What is the average cost of childbirth / delivery without insurance?
The cost for delivery or childbirth is determined by the hospital and the procedures needed to be done during the childbirth itself. If you have insurance that covers delivery partially, you will only be responsible to pay the remaining amount.

It is hard to say how much the average childbirth costs in Canada if you are not covered by any insurance, as prices range from $3,000 to over $15,000.

Can I get Maternity Insurance while pregnant?
If you are a pregnant visitor to Canada and not eligible for Government health insurance, you can apply for private pregnancy complications insurance which is provided by Manulife.

Click to learn more – Manulife’s Insurance

The pregnancy complications coverage will take care of the costs for related health emergencies such as bleeding, abdominal pain, premature birth, miscarriage, etc. up to the 31st week of your pregnancy period.

Can a pregnant Visitor to Canada get a Pregnancy insurance supplement that will cover pre-natal care?
If you are already pregnant and not eligible to receive the provincial health care plan, you can only apply for the travel pregnancy complications insurance which is provided by Manulife.

This policy covers standard medical emergencies for Visitors to Canada as well as providing comprehensive pregnancy insurance for complications including bleeding, premature birth, miscarriage and abdominal pain up to the 31st week of the pregnancy period.

Unfortunately, pregnant visitors to Canada are not covered for delivery or pre-natal care.

I am a Foreign Worker / New Immigrant / Returning Canadian, who is currently pregnant, but there is a waiting period of about 90 days before my provincial health coverage kicks in, do I have any options for pregnancy coverage?
Yes, you do. It is recommended that you purchase short term health insurance for pregnancy complications in Canada which is provided by Manulife. This insurance policy will also protect your money from other costs of medical emergencies that may happen while awaiting your government health care plan.

For more information please refer to the following webpage – Pregnancy Complications Coverage.

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