Last updated on February 5th, 2020
TIC – Travel Insurance Coordinators
Medical Insurance Benefits for visitors to Canada
TIC – Canadian Traveler Insurance Company offers the best insurance benefits available. They have listened to their customers and have packaged a very comprehensive, all inclusive
policy. These are a few of the benefits that you can expect to find when you purchase your policy.
- Emergency Hospital & Medical
- Meals & Accommodation
- Transportation of Family or Friend
- Return of Traveling Companion
- Return of Vehicle or Watercraft
- Pet Return (Dog or Cat)
- Return of Deceased – return to original destination
- Dental Emergencies
- Identity Fraud Recovery
Special features of TIC:
A special feature offered by TIC, is that any visitor to Canada who is under the age of 69, is eligible for an ‘Inpatriates’ policy which offers additional coverage on the basic policy. That includes one physical examination a year and even an eye examination. These are normally never included in Visitors to Canada policies. On top of that vaccines up to $100 are covered and maternity benefits up to $10,000. TIC also offers insurance while in flight rather than when you arrive in Canada.
Additional Benefits for you to Consider
- A semi private room for any emergency hospital visit.
- Prescription Medicine – issued by a licensed physician
- Generous levels of liability on medical care
- There are various deductibles to choose from to lower the rate on the policy.
- Chiropractor, podiatrist and other specialty care.
- Meals and Accommodations
A few Important notes:
It is always important for you to read your policy and understand all the conditions that apply. There may be some exclusions on the policy that you may not beware of and possibly need
to purchase. One important fact would be, if you have had a change in your health since you applied and received your policy. This is the sort of information you should speak to your
agent about to clarify their position. TIC offers a very comprehensive and generous travel package for our visitors. It is better to speak to one of our agents, than be refused the coverage
or even entry into Canada.
Multi-Trip plans
TIC offers excellent coverage for those frequent flyers who travel for business, or for just a person who takes more than 2 trips a year. It is definitely for the traveler who does not want to
worry about buying travel insurance each time they go away. TIC makes it convenient to buy and offer many different plans starting with an 8 day policy up to a 365 day policy. Their
rates are always competitive, and there are always multiple plans for all budgets.
In the event you need to make a claim, notify TIC immediately, they have 24/7 service. They can advise you further on what procedure is needed to go forth with the claim.
For more information on TIC travel insurance give us a call or send us an email.
#insurance | #travel