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Last updated on July 14th, 2020

Photo by Gustavo Fring from Pexels

If you want your life insurance premiums to be more affordable, stick to these simple rules listed below. These measures will speed up the application process and give you confidence that you will get the best rate you can.


Life Insurance | Blood Test

Here are the steps you should take to ace the blood test (and other medical exams)

1) Don’t smoke before they take your blood pressure (give it at least 2- 4 hours)
2) Avoid drinks containing caffeine (coffee, tea, coke)
3) Skip alcohol the date of the exam
4) Request urine test to taken first
5) Try not to talk during blood pressure test

Be honest, but brief. The underwriting process is thorough, and they’ll do their homework. But being too forthcoming with some info in certain cases could result in an automatic rate change or disqualification. With things like this, it’s better to let the application get deeper into the underwriting process where a decision maker can follow up with you than it is to have your application denied up-front.

If you have a tooth ache or migraine-try to postpone taking your blood pressure until you feel better. Stress or extreme anger/ joy can also lead to poor results.

Blood Test and Urine Sample:

Some of the health risks tested for by the insurance company in any urine test include the following:

1. The HIV virus
2. Cocaine and the presence of other drugs
3. Nicotine – Smokers often pay 50% to 100% higher premiums than non-smokers.

Blood tests enable the insurance company to verify if the insured is in truly optimal health. The nurse completing the blood test will have the insured sign a permission slip. They will generally obtain three vials of blood (approximately 25 ccs) and a urine sample. The blood profile procedure takes approximately 15 minutes to complete and the test will most likely screen for the following red flags:

1. HIV virus
2. Blood sugar reading
3. Kidney profile reading
4. Liver profile reading
5. Cholesterol and blood lipids

Tips for Successful Exam:

Avoid eating a few hours prior to the test as it will lower the chance of high cholesterol. Try not to strain yourself physically at least 24 hours prior. Avoid sugary or oily foods, drink a lot of water. If you are down with flu or common cold it’s best to reschedule your testing date.

Inform the medical worker if you are have been taking any prescription medications in the last few weeks. Make sure to disclose whether you have been smoking for the last year.

If you have any questions or concerns you can discuss them with your insurance agent or a medical worked doing the testing. They can provide you with assistance in case special arrangements need to be made. Medical test may take place in your clinic, home, or sometimes even the insurance agent’s office.

IF you have a white coat syndrome and tend to stress out in the presence of a medical worker- notify your insurance agent so that he or she can take steps to accommodate you.

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