The Destination Travel Group:
Visitors to Canada Medical Insurance

Destination Canada Insurance - Quotes Calculator


Summary of Benefits
Eligibility Requirements
How to Get a Refund
How to Make a Claim

COVID-19 Notice: Please stay up to date with the latest policy changes concerning COVID-19 coverage and eligibility requirements by using the following link – COVID-19 Insurance Updates
Summary of Benefits
Coverage Limit
Eligible For
Super Visa, Visitors, New Immigrants, Foreign Workers, Returning Canadians and IEC
Coverage Amounts
$10,000 / $25,000 / $50,000 / $100,000 / $150,000 / $300,000
Physician’s Services
Rental of Medical Appliances
Medical Emergency Care
Laboratory Diagnostics / X-Ray
Ambulance Services
Registered Nurse Services
Up to $10,000
Prescription Medication
Up to $1,000 for 1 month supply
Paramedical Specialists Services
Up to $500 for outpatient treatment
Family/Friend Transportation
Up to $3,000 / $1,000 meals an accommodation
Follow Up Treatment
Up to $3,000
Accidental Dental Repair
Up to $3,000
Dental Pain Relief
Up to $500
Meals and Accommodation
Up to $1,500 for 10 days while hospitalized
Repatriation / Emergency Return Home
Up to $3,000
Return of Deceased
Up to $10,000
Up to $4,000
Accidental Death & Double Dismemberment
Up to sum insured not exceeding $150,000
Single Dismemberment
Up to 50% of sum insured
Flight Accident
Up to sum insured not exceeding $50,000
Changing the Effective Date:
You can request us to change the Effective Date, which is the start date of your insurance coverage, by contacting our Insurance Advisors. Please note that date changes can only be made before your coverage begins.
Monthly Payment Plan:
Destination Canada has recently introduced more payment flexibility with their monthly payment plan for Super Visa and Visitors insurance policies.

Important notes:
– A 2-month deposit is payable at the moment of purchase.
a) This is a security deposit for the last 2 month of the coverage period. This deposit becomes non-refundable once the policy is in effect.

– a 10% surcharge will apply to each monthly payment over the entire policy duration.
b) This surcharge is calculated based on the amount of the monthly premium.

Example: If the entire policy for 1 year costs $1200, then each monthly premium will be $100. A surcharge of $10 will be added to each monthly premium payable.

– The payment for the 1st month of coverage on the Effective Date.
c) All remaining payments will be charged from the credit card on file on that date each month while the policy is active.
d) Please note that in case the Effective Date is on the 29th, 30th or the 31st of a month, then consecutive monthly payments will be charged on the 28th for the remainder of the coverage period.

– In case of a failed payment, Destination Canada reserves the right to charge a $25 fee each time they are unable to collect the payment from the credit card on file.

Side-Trips Benefit:
Your Visitors to Canada insurance coverage is active, while you are travelling outside Canada, except for your country of origin/citizenship or any other country, where you are eligible for a government healthcare. You must spend the majority of policy period time in Canada (at least 51%) in order to be eligible for the benefit.

Trip-break Exclusion: You are allowed to visit your home country with an intention to return to Canada during the period of insurance coverage without having to cancel your policy. However, the costs incurred for any medical services in your country of origin are not covered by the Destination Canada.

Flight Accident Coverage:
With the Destination Canada’s insurance for Visitors to Canada and Super Visa, your insurance coverage begins when you get on board of your flight to Canada. Please note that the Effective Date you select for your policy should be the date of departure from home country in Pacific Standard Time PST.
Waiting Period:
There is NO waiting period, if the insurance policy is purchased prior to your arrival in Canada; or before the expiry date of an existing emergency healthcare plan with The Destination Travel Group Inc. or other insurer.

A waiting period will apply, if the policy is purchased:
– after arrival in Canada.
– after the expiry date of an existing insurance coverage plan with Destination Canada or another insurance provider.

a) 48-hour waiting period – if you purchase this policy within the first 30 days following the departure from your country of origin.
b) 7-day waiting period – if you purchase this policy after the 30 days following the departure from your country of origin.

Important Notice: Expenses related to any sickness that manifests itself during the waiting period are not covered under this insurance plan, even if the costs are incurred after the waiting period has ended.

Policy Wording:
Policy Wording is the official document that outlines and explains the benefits payable, eligibility requirements, exclusions and limitations as well as claims and refund procedures.

Click to view – Destination Canada | Policy Wording

Eligibility Requirements
As of the effective date, in order to be eligible for Visitors to Canada with The Destination: Travel Group Inc. coverage, a person to be insured MUST:

– Be at least 15 days old.
– Be in good health with NO reason to seek medical attention at the moment of purchase and upon the Effective Date of the policy.

Please note that you will need to meet other eligibility requirements outlined below.

Eligibility Requirements:

Coverage is NOT AVAILABLE to any person who:

– Has been diagnosed with a terminal sickness.
– Has been prescribed or used home oxygen during the last 12 months.
– Has had a major organ transplant including heart, liver, lung, kindney and/or bone marrow or stem cell transplant.
– Has been diagnosed with or received treatment for a heart failure.
– Has been diagnosed with or received treatment for pancreatic cancer, liver cancer or any type of metastasized cancer (migrated to another organ from its original site);
– Has had a major organ transplantation.
– Has had a diagnosed aneurysm (4 cm or larger either in diameter or in length) that has not been surgically treated.
– Has been treated with kidney dialysis within the last 12 months.
– Has been advised not to travel by a physician.

Pre-Existing Medical Conditions Coverage:
Please note that you will need to select appropriate policy option in order to include the coverage for stable pre-existing medical conditions.

– Applicants age 59 and under: You can choose to include the coverage for pre-existing medical conditions, provided that they have been stable for at least 90 days prior to the effective date.

– Applicants age 60 – 69: You can choose to include the coverage for pre-existing medical conditions, provided that they have been stable for at least 120 days prior to the effective date.

– Applicants age 70 – 69: You can choose to include the coverage for pre-existing medical conditions, provided that they have been stable for at least 180 days prior to the effective date.

– Applicants age 80 and over: Pre-existing medical conditions are not covered.

Important Notice: There are other Exclusions and Limitations applicable. In order to go over it, please refer to the Policy Wording.

Click to view – Destination Canada | Policy Wording

How to Get a Refund
Under no condition will a refund be made, if a claim has been incurred or paid, or is pending.

Whether it is a Full or a Partial Premium Refund, you will need to present the official explanation i.e. copy of a Boarding Pass / Letter of Enrollment / Rejection Letter or other eligible documentation.

Please note that the request for any refund of paid premium must be received no more than 90 days following the expiry date of the policy.
Full Premium Refunds:
Full Refunds will be considered for the insured, who:

– Cancel their entire trip to Canada before the effective date.
– Have received a refusal of the Super Visa application.
– Have received a different visa than the one they have originally applied for.

Important Notice: A fee of $150 per policy will apply if cancelling an insurance coverage issued for one year or more prior to the effective date without eligible reason for cancellation.

Partial Premium Refunds:
Partial Refunds are issued with a $25 cancellation fee to people insured, who present a proof of:

– Early departure to the country of origin/citizenship without any intention of coming back to Canada such as a copy of the Boarding Pass.

– Eligibility / coverage under any Provincial/Territorial Healthcare Plan in Canada such as a copy of the official enrollment letter or the provincial health insurance card. Please note that you must not require private health insurance to maintain your visa and/or work permit eligibility in order to cancel your policy with the Destination Canada for a refund, if you become eligible for and covered with any government health insurance plan in Canada.

Partial refunds are calculated using daily insurance premiums – a number of days left on the policy before it expires. Moreover, Partial Refund amounts less than the minimum premium of $25 will not be issued.

In order to request a refund, please contact one of our Insurance Advisors.

How to make a Claim
In case of a medical emergency, you or someone on your behalf has to contact Zurich Travel Assist prior to any surgery or within the first 24 hours of hospital admission. Failure to contact within the specified time will reduce payable benefits by 20%.

Zurich Travel Assist is available 24-hours a day, 7 days a week.

– Toll-Free – 1-888-726-1839 (within Canada)
– Collect – 1-416-260-4553 (Worldwide)

Emergency Reporting & Claim Submission:

Online Claims Submission
You can submit claims online by visiting Online Claims Portal

Important Notice:
– All claims must be reported within 30 days of occurrence.
– Written proof of claim must be submitted within 90 days of occurrence.
– Any costs incurred for documentation or required reports are the claimant’s responsibility.
– All eligible claims must be supported by original receipts from commercial organizations.

In order to file a claim you will need to:
– Fill out a Claim Form and attach all original medical receipts for treatment and prescription medication.
– Send the form with your receipts to:

Zurich Canada Travel Insurance
c/o Zurich Travel Assist
100 King Street West, Suite 5300
Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M5X 1C9

When submitting your claim, please include:
1. Fully completed and signed claim form with all original bills and receipts from commercial organizations.
2. Medical records including an emergency room report and diagnosis from the medical facility or a Medical Certificate completed by the treating physician.
3. For physiotherapy treatment benefit, a letter from the referring physician recommending a referral to the physiotherapist.
4. Any other documentation that may be required and/or requested by Manulife.

Detailed instructions on how to make a claim are outlined in the corresponding Policy Wording.

How do I apply for a 2 year coverage as an IEC Visa Holder?
Visitors Insurance coverage from the Destination Canada is among the most popular and cost-effective options when it comes to 2-year coverage options for IEC and Working Holiday program! In order to get started, please follow the steps below and apply for a 2 year IEC travel insurance coverage.

Please note that insurance coverage for more than 2 years consists of 2 insurance policies with a coverage period of 365 days on each.

1 Step
Once you have calculated your personal quotes, click on “Application Form” button to begin. You will be then re-directed to another page on our website, where you will be filling out an insurance application form. You will need to do the following:

– Select the Arrival Date – The actual date of your arrival in Canada.
– Choose Effective Date – The start date of your insurance coverage.
– Set Expiry Date – The end date of your coverage period.
– Indicate date of birth for each applicant.
– Type First and Last Names.
– Select applicant’s home country from the list provided.

Keep in mind that you need to be insured for the whole duration of you intended stay in Canada according to the IEC program requirements.

2 Step
Here you will need to type in your contact information including a full address in Canada where you are going to stay, your contact phone number as well as email address.

If you don’t have an address or phone number in Canada yet, you can use our company’s address until you get settled.

3 Step
You will also need to select your desired coverage amount as well as deductible.

Deductible/Excess is the amount of money that you need to pay first, before the insurance company takes care of the rest, in case of a claim. It is best to keep the deductible low.

4 Step
Moreover, if you have any pre-existing medical conditions that are stable for at least 120 days before your trip to Canada, it is highly recommended to select the plan that includes appropriate coverage level in order to cover possible emergencies related to your pre-existing condition.
5 Step
After you have filled out the form, please click submit. Once we have received your application we will contact you to set up your coverage and process the payment in order to issue your insurance policies. You will receive your coverage confirmation by email as soon as your payment is processed.
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Available Weekdays | 8 am – 5 pm PST

Based on 66 reviews
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Mel Hampshire
11:10 21 Dec 24
Lea was amazing!I can’t recommend Arbetov enough - Even using on-line messaging over different time zones, my customer service experience was excellent.If you’re looking for a really good service and unbeatable rates for IEC health insurance - these are the guys to use!Thank you Lea for all your help x
Penelope Flute
18:21 26 Nov 24
Very responsive, very knowledgeable and Lea made the whole process incredibly easy and answered all my questions professionally and politely with lots of patience! Great service, thank you!
Oliver Bal-ot
22:05 04 Nov 24
Leah a representative for Arbetov Insurance & Wealth Management Inc is an exceptional person. We Thank you very much for your time and effort. I’ll be honest. You were the only person out of all the insurance agents/brokers that I dealt with, that did all that leg work for my wife, her mother(insured) and her family. You take pride and integrity into your work and it shows. We can’t thank you enough. My family has peace of mind going forward. Now our Mother/Sister/Grandmother now has her Visitors to Canada insurance with her Super Visa. We forward in working with you again in the future, now her visit with will be great! We thank you again!
K. Ay (Sara)
19:01 04 Oct 24
They have the best deals, very responsive staff. It only takes a minute, highly recommend especially for Super Visa applications! No fuss!
Jap Bondoc
19:11 27 Sep 24
Great insurance provider! Leah is amazing!
malek javedaltaf
16:43 09 May 24
Best option for visit visa holder. Really great team, very supportive and responsive. Will recommend Arbetov as first option.
babatunde odubanjo
14:26 06 May 24
Excellent customer service, considerate and passionate insurance provider in resolving your issues and ensuring every party is happy in providing services.
21:55 23 Apr 24
Excellent service from Lea.
Dhananjaya Neelkant
20:01 09 Apr 24
Excellent customer service! Thanks Lea.
James Ensor
23:33 18 Mar 24
Fahim Saber
22:07 17 Dec 23
I have had the most seamless smoothest experience ever with this insurance company. Every change I had to make regarding my parents supervisa medical insurance was processed quickly with no complications. They have been understanding of my situation through all the ups and downs over the last few years including the difficult and complex covid periods. Particular kudos to Lea for making this complicated insurance experience a siimple and stress free process for me.
Igor Kiselyov
19:59 23 Nov 23
Great service, efficient communication, and a really easy way to get insurance with lots of help and support to get the right deal.
Colin Taylor
18:34 21 Nov 23
I have purchased a few policies with Lea, and each time the service was great! The last one took less than 10 minutes to complete!The polices itself are also good, as we have not had any problems with claims so far.
00:18 15 Nov 23
I have purchased parents visitor insurance twice from Arbetov. I got fast and patient response from Lea. Her professional attitude makes me confident to trust Arbetov. I will repurchase from this company.
Salinda Rathnayeka
19:26 10 Nov 23
I have been purchased travel insurances for my parents multiple times and they are super friendly and very helpful. Mainly, in contacted with Lea, helped me to find the correct cost effective products.
Anastasia Yakubovska
17:12 08 Nov 23
Great fast service, have been with them for a few years now. Good options for insurance!
Natali Chizik
18:08 06 Nov 23
Extremely nice and efficient staff! My go to for insurance
Gina Bautista
20:41 19 Jun 23
We purchased Supervisa insurance through Arbetov Insurance many times and they have been very helpful since the very start, especially Eugene and Lea.Highly recommended!!
Lai Reyes
22:31 15 Mar 23
My whole experience with Arbetov was very pleasant. From the purchase and payment down to the refund request. Credits and many thanks to Lea as she was the one who assisted me with everything. She was just so responsive and very helpful all throughout! 🙂
yasir ali
15:02 03 Nov 22
Lea was very helpful and friendly. It was a great experience.
Please note that the above information is only a summarized version of covered benefits and conditions detailed in the official Policy Wording issued by The Destination Travel Group Inc.
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